i look at life through the eyes of a psychologist. that is to say, im always exploring the psychology of any situation. then, with the information that i learn, i design my humor with sarcasm and wit. though i may come across as being negative, im really looking for the most realistic and practical solutions or outcomes. its just who i am. i feel that it is intimidating or overwhelming or mayhaps just plain boring, but if you can understand this about me then you can be better than all others past.
also, to be fair, i have made my fair share of mistakes with many others throughout my time. (friends and family included) i dont claim to be perfect, however, i am searching indefinately and non-stop for people who share the same views as myself.
and i actually do try to maintain a positive attitude no matter what. lately it seems that im always outnumbered by others with miserable energies. and who knows? mayhaps im wrong. maybe there are people out there for me. i just need to look in different places.
*whew!* used up a lot of characters there... not close to limit yet but i sure can ramble.