Horoscopes Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 1734 members

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Timing of marriage and nature of spouse

Am a male, DOB 27th Jan 1981, 2:42 am in Cochin, Kerala, India.

Could any one shed light on when I am likely to get married and also likely nature of my spouse from my horoscope details?


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Do You Believe In This Stuff?
I have heard that there are people who won't get out of bed until they know their daily horoscope. While I think that is taking this concept just a little too far, I nevertheless like to read my horoscope sometimes, if it's around (like in a newspaper). While it is interesting to read, I don't take it too too seriously; I think if people really want to know what is in store for them they should consult with a professional astrologer. I'm not saying the newspaper horoscopes are completely untrue... but I think it is a good idea to use common sense when you're reading them, because they are so general.

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A group for people interested in learning more about their astrological sign, as well as the history of astrology and its different branches.
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(BETA - In Development)
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